
Time to align: A #talentdividend live chat

The 2013 National Meeting is over. We learned a ton, had great conversations, and started thinking about the home stretch of the Talent Dividend competition.

Now let's look at how metropolitan strategies align with college completion efforts, workforce development and skills training. Karen Elzey from the Aspen Institute's Skills for America's Future will join us for a live chat on theciviccommons.com on Thursday, March 28 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We'll explore questions about what's contributing to the challenge employers are facing in finding a qualified workforce, successful metropolitan strategies for aligning education providers with businesses, and ideas for improving data sharing around labor demand.

Not sure you'll be free? No worries. Just add your question any time this week and it will be among the first Karen answers.

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Then, head to the Talent Dividend conversation and join us! Hope to chat with you then. 
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