Philadelphia, PA : Features

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What to expect at the National Talent Dividend Meeting, April 8-9

It's Philadelphia, so expect tours of Independence Hall, Terry Gross, and terrific food. But above all, plan on a chance to build relationships and share learning.

Q&A: Art Ellis, WHYY

Learn more about our hosts for the 2013 National Talent Dividend meeting in Philadelphia, PA: the modern offices of WHYY-FM.

Q&A: Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia

"It is my very strongly held belief that education is at the center of what makes a city great, what makes a city attractive to employers."

A word from the Director: The pursuit of happiness

As we prepare to convene in Philadelphia this spring, we should reflect on the courage of our nation's founders and ask how we can provide true equality for all within our higher education system. 

Change by degrees

Building bridges between educational institutions, businesses, city government, and community organizations is key for cities that want more college grads. Lessons from a city that does it well.
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